Drug Overdose Deaths Continue To Rise Due To Prescription Drug Abuse
The United States is experiencing an alarming increase in overdoses of prescription drugs – many of which are leading to death. Disturbingly, fatalities and sales related to prescription drugs have more than quadrupled since 1999.
SAMHSA Publishes Drug And Alcohol Treatment Program Completion Rates
Drug And Alcohol Treatment Completion Rates The most recent data available for completion rates at drug and alcohol treatment facilities, such as Pathways Recovery in Sacramento, CA, shows some interesting results. Assembled from 1.5 million discharges
Addiction In The Elderly
Problems with addiction can affect people of all ages. Unfortunately, senior citizens face an increased risk of complications and mortality as the result of substance abuse. Learning more about elderly substance abuse can help those
Are You An Enabler? | A Simple Questionnaire
To understand if you might possibly be enabling someone’s substance abuse and preventing them from seeking the addiction treatment they need, answer these questions with a “yes” or a “no”: Are You An Enabler? :
The New Face Of Prescription Pain Killers
Studies have shown that prescription drugs are abused more commonly than any other class of substance in the nation. They’ve taken the country by storm, particularly among young and middle-aged Americans. The effects of their
How Long Does Detox Take?
Addictive substances change the body’s physical and psychological functioning. Over time, most individuals experience a level of dependence on the substance and suffer if they can’t access another dose. Even caffeine requires detox. Alcohol and