Find Yourself With Pathways Recovery
In the throes of addiction, everything can seem dark…but remember, once you are lost, you can be found. Find your true self, free from addiction with Pathways Recovery. Our caring and knowledgeable staff is waiting
5 Surprising Myths About Addiction
When it comes to those suffering from addiction, there are many misconceptions. Unfortunately, these fallacies can lead to assumptions and preconceptions that prevent individuals from getting the help they need. It’s important for addicts as
Welcome To The Newly Redesigned Site – Stay Tuned For More Exciting News!
At Pathways Recovery, we are proud to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website. With our focus on providing high quality detox and outpatient addiction rehab treatment, we knew we needed a professional-looking, highly-functional
Debunking Myths About Substance Abuse
Common Myths About Substance Abuse and Addiction Ever since Richard Nixon’s “war on drugs” started over 40 years ago and Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” campaign began in the 1980’s, addiction treatment professionals have been
Fear Of Withdrawal Is Causing Unnecessary Overdoses From Opiate Abuse
Many people with a drug addiction are supremely afraid of withdrawal. The symptoms can be debilitating and even dangerous. More than 2.1 million Americans use prescription opioids, and another 500,000 abuse heroin. Unfortunately, this fear
Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic Comes West
Prescription Drug Abuse Finds Western States Unprepared The epidemic of prescription drug abuse that had struck many regions in the eastern and southern U.S. has now struck with a vengeance in several western states where